Our Values
The purpose of this club shall be to advocate for the advancement of the medical use of cannabis and to advocate for the legalization of cannabis and an end to the War on Drugs. The club will seek to increase participation in the Democratic Party by medical marijuana and law reform advocates thereby providing a constructive role for them in Democratic politics as well as contributing to Party leadership and responsibility; promoting harmony within the Party; supporting the Party platform, and assisting in the selection of Democratic candidates.
~ from the Bylaws of our Club
Expand the restrictive Green Zone
By removing the minimum distance of 600 feet between a new and an existing cannabis dispensary or retail outlet, and encourage policies that allow them to locate in all areas of the City of San Francisco to resolve the current clustering problem.
Demand The City of San Francisco Support Safe Access To Cannabis
Officially & actively oppose the Federal prohibition of cannabis, and affirm the 2001-2002 Resolution passed by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Oppose new city taxes on medical cannabis. Support the creation of consumption lounges throughout San Francisco, where patients and adult consumers can safely use their cannabis..
Provide Oversight & Report Cards
On all elected San Francisco officials, legislators, law enforcement officers, and judges who can affect the cannabis community.

Provide Education On All Aspects Of Medical Cannabis
To elected San Francisco officials, department heads, and their respective staffs, including those in the criminal justice system.
Encourage Standardized Business Practices
Of medical and adult use cannabis in San Francisco by supporting appropriate health and safety standards for all products including but not limited to accurate lab testing, dosage information, and product expiration dates for quality assurance. Encourage innovation in the cannabis industry. Support a robust compassion program for low-income medical cannabis patients. Allow for free samples to be given to medical cannabis patients and adult consumers of cannabis.
Organize The San Francisco Cannabis Community
To keep the voters informed, to register voters, and to create a strong voice of medical cannabis patients, adult consumers of cannabis, and their allies.
Come Join Us!
Join Our Meetings for updates on local, state, and Federal issues of importance to medical cannabis patients and their allies. In addition, several medical cannabis entrepreneurs will present their products and services.
As always, you are welcome to bring drinks and treats to share.
BMDC is an open forum for new ideas, and we welcome lively discussions and feedback at the meetings.
Anyone 18 or older is welcome to attend.